The OSPA Preamble
Obsessive Skin Pickers Anonymous (OSPA) Worldwide Fellowship is a community of people who have found their way out of Excoriation Disorder’s grip by working the OSPA program and engaging with the community support of the worldwide group. The primary premise and foundation of OSPA is the concept of one skin picker reaching out to another with an attitude of love and support. Through giving back to others what we are freely given we are finally able to recover from this devastating illness.
Obsessive Skin Pickers Anonymous is a fellowship of people who seek to recover from Excoriation Disorder (Skin Picking) by working the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as adapted from AA. We seek abstinence from obsessive or compulsive skin picking, and physical, emotional and spiritual recovery. The only requirement for OSPA membership is the desire to stop picking. OSPA is entirely self-supporting relying only on contributions from individual members, and is free to all who need it.
Many of us who have now found OSPA truly thought we were the only ones in the world who engaged in this form of self-destructive behavior.
We seek to eliminate the shame we have felt due to this disorder by lifting each other up with love and understanding.
Welcome to OSPA – You are no longer alone!